
In addition to the selection of the suitable coating, the look, feel and functionality of our products can also be influenced by choosing a suitable embossing.

In addition to anti-slip embossing to reduce the tendency to slip, matt embossing to avoid annoying light reflections, and satin embossing for a high-quality look, there are numerous other options.


The rice straw embossing in our example combines optical and functional aspects. Due to the embossing, the judo mat has a classic appearance that is based on rice straw mats and has the right grip for many martial arts


You want to learn more? Click here for our sport material range or contact us at heysport@heytex.com


115 years concentrated Heytex power

Heytex says thank you for 115 years of commitment and loyalty.

„Long-standing employees, their experience and skills, are the backbone of any company“,

this was emphasized by plant manager Marko Rother when honoring Heytex’s long-serving employees. A tribute that should have taken place in 2020, but was postponed to this year due to the pandemic. Together with their partners, the company Heytex Bramsche GmbH had invited them to a joint dinner to thank the colleagues for their 25 and 40 years of service.

Until today they have always remained loyal to the company, which has changed a lot in the last decades and continues to expand worldwide. As the company has changed, so have the jubilarians: From career starters to highly qualified professionals in their respective teams. That deserves applause!

The following were honored for 25 years: Marco Correia Martins, inspection, Malcolm Robert Hoare, inspection, and Michael Kirk, sales.

For 40 years we may congratulate: Werner Hermes, Weaving


from left to right: Marco Correia Martins, Malcom Robert Hoare, Werner Hermes, Michael Kirk

Right recipe

In addition to polyvinyl chloride (PVC), Heytex has a large number of different other coatings. Food-safe TPU, cold-flexible TPE, chemical-resistant Alcryn, tailor-made polymer blends, etc. A lot is possible. Depending on the application and purpose of our customers, we can select the right recipe. Here you will find an extract of our possibilities.


You have questions? We got the answers. Contact us texineering@heytex.com

Throwback Thursday

1961 – 2021


60 Jahre sind vergangen, seit bei Heytex (ehemals Julius Heywinkel GmbH) die erste Beschichtungsanlage für Gewebe auf Polyesterbasis eingeführt wurde. Damals eine Innovation in 150 cm Breite für Planen, Autosattlerein und Segeltuch.




Seitdem hat sich viel getan, Heytex bietet großformatige Materialien bis zu 500 cm Breite mit verschiedenen spezifizierten Beschichtungen für eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen nach Kundenwunsch. Discover Heytex

Erfahren Sie hier mehr über unsere Produkte!

Welcome to Discovery Day

“Good customer partnership is one of the key-strategies of Heytex”.


We are more than happy to being able to finally meet in person.

Today with Christophe Morice, Emmanuel Riot and Vincent Soucq from the GROUPE BHD – to gain intimate insights into Heytex technical textiles on Heytex Discovery Day.


With this in mind: Discover Heytex!


Congratulations to our apprentices Christoph, Lars and Nicola.

All of them have exceptionally mastered their apprenticeship as industrial clerk and textile laboratory assistant !
We are also happy that both Christoph and Nicola have decided to stay at Heytex.
We congratulate them once again and wish them all the best for the future!