Working together. Growing together.
Would you like to work with Heytex as a supplier? We would be very pleased!
As Heytex Group we are committed to the “Global Sullivan Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility”- a code of conduct on responsible corporate governance. All Heytex Group employees are committed to follow these guidelines.
We also ask our business partners to apply the following guidelines, because we regard them as a solid basis for long-term and successful business relationships.
- Respect of international human rights
- Equal opportunities and fair treatment of all employees
- Integration of people with disabilities
- Rejection of any form of forced labor and child labor
- Right on freedom of association and assembly of workers
- Adequate and fair compensation of employees
- Recognition and support of qualification measures
- Ensuring health and safety at the workplace
- Environmental protection at the workplace
- Promotion of fair competition and the respect of property rights
- Cooperation with the countries and municipalities to improve the quality of life
- Rejection of gifts which could lead to conflicts of interests
- Involvement of the suppliers for the implementation of those guidelines