heytex protect for makeshift Mouth-Nose-Masks

The German government strongly recommends the wearing of masks in public transport and supermarkets, in many states this is already mandatory.

Heytex recommends heytex protect – polyester knitted fabric, uncertified, stretchable, cuddly, boil-proof, roll fabric for easy making-up in different widths.

We deliver roll material in different widths upon request and roll lengths of up to 50 and 100 m.


Protect yourself and others. Ask us, we will be happy to help you with the right solution. heysafe@heytex.com

heytex protect (H9010-0001)

heytex protect (H9010-0001)

Download 1.22 MB

For Potable Water Storage

HEYstore Fluid Series for Potable Water Storage

Clean potable water is essential for life.

For the problem-free intermediate storage of drinking water, we offer qualitatively safe materials to produce flexible potable water tanks, ACS certified and phthalate-free – for use without hesitation.


Your direct contact heystore@heytex.com


Learn more about our broad range of HEYstore containment solutions, also for e.g. food storage, chemical storage, spill berms and many more. Convince yourself.


Heytex protect Makeshift-Mouth-Nose-Mask


Limited Availability!

Short-term capacity expansion of 500,000 masks.

First come – first serve.


heytex protect (H9010-0001)

heytex protect (H9010-0001)

Download 1.22 MB



For non-business associates and private customers wie offer ready-made Makeshift Mouth-Nose-Masks at Ebay




Order now: heysafe@heytex.com


Thank You

Dear customers, partners, suppliers and forwarders,


we would like to say THANK YOU.

THANK YOU, for your confidence in us during this challenging time.

THANK YOU that we can continue to offer you our usual good service and our innovative products.

THANK YOU for continuing to be loyal to us and for keeping in touch with us.

Together we will also manage the rest.

Stay healthy!



New Power for Industrial Business

“Power is knowing that you can do anything you imagine, and not one person can stop you”.


Welcome Daniel Wolf to your new position as Head of Industrial!


During the last 8 years, Daniel has successfully been helping to expand the Heytex Sign Business Center for printable textiles and now moves on to new challenges within Heytex. Daniel, as we know him, is highly motivated to support and creatively challenge our product groups cargo, cover, tent, boat and others since January 2020. Stay tuned for more exiting news!


Welcome on board!






We are there for you

In this uncertain time, however, you can rely on one thing: we are still there for you! Both our external and our internal employees are still in action. Our production is prepared to support your important project quickly as we make our day-to-day work as normal as possible according to current regulations.

Also – even if from home office – our customer service is available for you by direct phone or mail via the usual channels.

Stay in touch for any assistance and support and ask about our wide range of products which you may easily adapt for special applications.

Be assured, your orders will be processed and delivered as usual.

Please stay healthy, please stay safe!


heytent@heytex.com for tent and hall materials

texineering@heytex.com for technical textiles

heysign@heytex.com for Sign products